Sep 19, 2010

"Always the aim for me is making people feel like they are not alone. That's just the greatest feeling."
-Zooey Deschanel

Sep 15, 2010

Rumah dan Mobil

Percakapan kita waktu itu sungguh menampar hatiku, tuan. Ternyata tuanku sudah dewasa. I'm gazing you at the time. Make a glimpse of the way you talk and sigh. Nanti disaat kuasa sudah jadi hak milik, saat kita bisa berdiri di atas kaki kita sendiri, saat usia beranjak paro baya, kita langkahkan kaki pada satu chapter baru. Aku bilang padamu. Aku beli mobilnya. Kamu rumahnya. La la la la la..

Curang ya aku. Kamu pasti tahu tuan, harga mobil lebih murah dibanding rumah. Apalagi aku minta tinggal di daerah estate. Kulihat raut mukamu sejenak. Ketidaksanggupan. Dan pasrah. Mungkin bagimu aku terlalu banyak menuntut. Tapi tunggu tuan besar. Kamu harus tahu makna dibalik rumah dan mobil. Aku anak sastra. Jadi kamu harus hati-hati terhadap diksi yang ku pilih.

Rumah itu bagiku tempat berteduh. Dia memberiku kehidupan. Tempat dimana aku pulang setelah lelah mencari uang. Rumah melindungiku dari hujan. Dari tetangga sebelah yang sirik. Sama seperti kamu. Kamu adalah rumahku. Tempat dimana aku berteduh dari terik dan gerimis yang buat ku pening. Tempat dimana saat nantinya teman-teman kantorku bertanya, "Mau kemana?", lalu ku jawab, "Aku mau pulang. Pulang. Pulang ke rumah". Pulang ke kamu tuan. Dan tahukah kamu mengapa aku pilih untuk membeli mobil? Car is portable. It means I can follow every single step you choose. Stood behind your command. Aku tidak mau ah jadi istri durhaka. Aku pasti nurut. Jangan salahkan aku. Agama yang mengajarkan itu. Akan ku antar kamu pada harapan-harapanmu dengan mobilku tentu saja. Kita jemput asa di sana. Bersamamu tuan. Kamu rumahnya, aku mobilnya.

Nah.. Mengerti kan maksudku sekarang? Aku orang baik dan aku engga matre. Jadi buat apa aku menuntutmu banyak-banyak. Itu kewajibanmu. Kamu beli rumah. Aku beli mobil. But hey! Wake up! The story hasn't started yet. It isn't the right time to open our new chapter of life. Lebih baik kamu selesaikan saja dulu itu sarjanamu. Kelak nanti belikan aku rumah yang bagus. Yang pagarnya tidak bisa karatan ditempa panas dan dingin. Yang garasinya luas. Agar mobilku bisa bernafas di dalamnya. Maka aku janji. Pasti akan kubelikan kamu mobil. Yang bannya tidak akan pernah rusak walau berjalan seharian. Nanti kupasang joknya dengan warna kesukaanmu. Kita letakkan sofa di dalamnya. Agar kau nyaman.

Oh ya, yang bensinnya irit tentunya. Aku tahu kehidupan nanti tak semudah yang kita bayangkan. Aku harus pandai berhemat. Maka tuan, mulailah dari sekarang. Gertak semangatmu. Pulangkan kantukmu. Setialah pada fotokopian usang di tasmu. Karena mereka akan mengantarkan kita pada rumah dan mobil kita. Untuk rumah dan mobil kita. Kamu rumahnya, aku mobilnya.

pict by me
p.s. for the reasons that can't be revealed

much love,

Sep 13, 2010

pict by me

Sep 12, 2010

Happy Eid Mubarak pals!

Ramadhan has left. But the euphoria still remains in our heart. Not untill a week since Lebaran, I've missed Ramadhan already. I miss my mom's smile while receiving new clothes. I miss her while finally she could finish her fast without suffered from her diseases. I miss the day when my father matched his new kopiah. Sure it really suits you dad :)
And I will miss my sister's expression when she got home and carried many purchases. It's really simple things you know. But when I turn back the memories of those days, it makes my heart blooms. How can you ignore every single happiness your closest persons got? But now Ramadhan has gone. How I want to meet Ramadhan next year, next two years, three years, and so on. How I desire to be always in His way, to keep my consistency in Islam. May Allah grant all my prayers. Amen.

my fatty mom :)

my sister

with relatives

I dont wanna be a fool and make a big mistake. So let's make this special occasion as a turning point to bring back our chastity. May Allah purify our heart and mind through apologize. Eid Mubarak all!

much love,
Niken and family

Sep 10, 2010


I bet everybody likes music as I do. See how's the self-image of each person by guessing and judging his/her music they like. Kinda prestige for some people. And very powerful. Yet for me, it's current pictures of myself. Reflection of my gloominess, my roaring laughter, even at my vanity. Carnival by Adhitia Sofyan. I don't know where I should put this song into any of them I've mentioned before. I just know by far, that this song, umm..

Carnival - Adhitia Sofyan

I do remember your name
We met at the carnival
You said till we meet again
I guess here we are now

You said till we meet again
I guess here we are now
And I don’t even see
Why we can’t stay a while
No we should not be afraid
Of going through the silly things
It might just uncover a path
To a similarity
No I don’t even see
Why we can’t stay this time
Till grass on the hills getting longer
They’re waving at us to be seen
That face on the moon’s getting brighter
But he’s going down anytime
Nobody knows what’s tomorrow
It might brings us to our last
Do you remember the time
When they were the simple things
Where I just looked in to your eyes
Then we’ll be connected
Still I don’t even see
Why we can’t stay this time
So let me remember the shape of the evening
Cause when the day’s over who knows when I’ll see you again
I do remember your name
We stayed at the carnival this time

Well, it's been a hard time for me. And still. Cause no one knows how wide a woman's heart is

much love,

Sep 6, 2010


I am happy with my life now. Please do not come up. Promise me you won't disrupt a sleeping lion. I'm begging you,
my obsession.

p.s: I hope this little plea won't end in smoke. Amin.