May 18, 2012

Style spotted

This photo below was actually taken for #UPcompetition. The aim was to wear your fave UP shoes then click, take a photo of it and post it to your twitter. Too bad I didn't win :( But to make it useful, here and now, I post it hehe..

DIY scarf - unbranded top lace - number61 maxi skirt
nassi goreng keju necklace - UP wedges

And here's another pictures that I made for the competition. 


Went to Seaworld Indonesia with him. Since I was kid, the amazing feeling caused by the nautical stuff has always made me impressed. That's why I admire mermaid a lot. These photos taken for about 2 or 3 months ago. No chance to update it in here, been busy because of thesis stuff. In the end, I just hope you all enjoy the post :) Thank you for dropping by, btw..

this fish actually has beautiful blue sapphire eyes,
but since it's so hard to take a moving object,
too bad I could only take the eyes all black.

I made chicken cordon bleu and roti gulung smoked beef for lunch
alhamdulillah he liked it :)

See you on the next post :)


my favorite shot so far
kinda fierce, strong, and independent
hope so for real